Wednesday, July 3, 2013

June & GlassBoston

Hello! I have been very busy since last I updated. I attended the GlassBoston conference in mid-June, and have also been busy working on new glass projects and preparing Dichotomy for its opening on July 27th. Below are the beginning stages of a "tree woman" series I am working on, and you can see how I begin my human figures. They start out indistinct and I add detail as I go along.

And here is my first try at making an octopus! This attempt was inspired by Jeremy Sinkus' squid demonstration at GlassBoston, which appears in the photo following my octopus. Pretty impressive stuff. I'm always saying how I need a bigger torch - this octopus is about four inches at its longest point - but maybe I should get as good as I can on my own torch before stepping it up...

GlassBoston was a wonderful experience! The first day of the conference was held on the MIT campus, with its crazy architecture, and I met a number of excellent people there. The second day was held at a place called APG-NOCA, a glass studio in North Cambridge. I saw some demonstrations (Matt Szosz, Jeremy Sinkus, and portions of some others), heard a few fascinating lectures (Ioannis Michaloudis - look him up!), and went on a tour around the city that included several art galleries, the Mapparium (a three-story to-scale inverted stained glass globe that you walk inside of - incredible), a private collection of glass art, and the studio of Wayne Strattman, which had the feeling of a brilliant mad scientist's laboratory.

All of this was punctuated with eating, drinking, and socializing with fabulous glass artists and enthusiasts from all over the country. I admittedly had a little bout of post-conference blues when I returned home.

Crazy MIT architecture:

A piece by Peter Muller (blown portion, outside) and Joe Peters (flameworked portion, inside). Just straight up awesome. This piece was on display at L'Attitude Gallery in Boston.

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