Thursday, February 17, 2011

Short Update

I know it's been a long time since I last posted.

I have been without a stable internet connection for a time now, and life has also been keeping me rather busy, what with two jobs and all - around the time of my last update, I got an apprentice-type job at a local stained glass studio. Exciting! So that plus my other job, plus keeping up with torching and all the other things that crop up around here, well... it ends up in me not being a very good blogger.

I have been selling pendants! I should really put up some new photos, because the last detailed photos I posted of my pendants, I feel, are no longer an accurate representation of what they look like. I've sold just over twenty so far, and it never gets old. Every time someone buys one, I get such a feeling of satisfaction.

Soon I will be venturing into, more or less, uncharted territory - working hollow!