Friday, June 3, 2011

What Happened To May?

Welp. May flew by. I have been busy running around trying to get all my ducks in a row, and lo and behold, it is now June. Time for a recap on the fruits of my month of May -
  • I have 3 batches of pendants floating around in the world waiting to be sold: in the front counter at Archimage (boutique), in the display case at Temstad (car mechanical shop), and with the Warehouse Arts crew for their five remaining shows this summer.
  • Swooped down to Corning last weekend for GlassFest. Missed 2300˚, but got to watch Paul Stankard and Davide Salvadore in action, among others; caught a show with a piece by my old glass professor Angus Powers as well as one with work by an awesome MFA graduate of Alfred, Joanna Manousis. Lots of familiar faces and talented friends.
  • Wandered around the Lilac Festival, which is a great place to get springboard ideas from other glass artists. Gave me a kick for my chess piece dilemma.
  • Also in the works: a roll or two of black & white film in the SLR, an art quilt involving a fish, and some bottle cap magnets just for fun. :)
Once I get my production cranked up a few notches, I may venture into the world of Etsy. Anyone have any thoughts on that? Good idea? Bad idea?

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