Anyway, I suppose I could tell you about one of my Christmas gifts. One of my cousins got me this book for Christmas:

I cannot tell you how ecstatic I was upon receiving it. It is not typeset - it is written by hand, and it has tons of hand-drawn images and a sheer buttload of information ranging from the bare basics all the way up to reticello and mold-blowing. After you get through the 270 pages of the main part of the book, there are then sections on tool care, health and safety, a glossary (including the term "glass bug," haha), an index, a section for your own notes, a directory of sources, suppliers, organizations, schools and book dealers, and even a "scrapbook" section which features a bunch of quickie how-to drawings of things like dragon-stem goblets, piggy banks, and "good-for-life" homebrew bottles. Awesommmmme book... It has crossed my mind that this would have been a really good book to have had as a textbook back in college. Oh well, it's mine now! Bahaha. (Thanks Liz!) Onward!
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