I'm thinking I'll just not sleep tonight, since we leave the house around 4 in the morning, which is in about three hours. So I might as well just keep getting things together. There's a Red Bull waiting for me in the fridge anyway.
Our itinerary is still sort of unplanned - me and my dad have been known to be rather spontaneous about this sort of thing - but we have our hotels booked. Prague for two days, Vienna for three, and Venice for the last four. I am gonna see some art. I know very little about the history of the Czech Republic (or of Austria and even really Italy for that matter) but I DO know from multiple classes, projects, and research assignments on glass that the Czechs and Italians know whats up with the stuff. At least one day of this trip will be spent wandering around Murano, on a scavenger hunt for Lucio, Cesare, and Gianni, and visiting the Museo Del Vetro.
So. I have a lovely selection of plane food ready to go:
As the trip has gotten nearer I've been thinking how un-European my wardrobe is. I hope I don't stick out too much, but I have a feeling my dad might stick out a bit more than myself over there. I like being the stealthy kind of tourist rather than the fanny-pack-wearing, camera-all-over-the-place, in-your-face-Americans-screaming-"pick-my-pocket" kind of tourist, but I think it will be okay (I do not own a fanny pack).
Wish me luck!
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