Last week, this little gem arrived:

I am slowly accumulating more coffee table books, and figured I should have at least one about glass. The other two I have thus far are "
Amphigorey" by Edward Gorey and, while it isn't precisely a coffee table book but actually a graphic novel that I'd like to show off to people, "
Inland" by my friend
Kate. Not that I have a coffee table to put these on at the moment, but when I do, they will have a home!
"1000 Glass Beads" is a book that I've been exposed to a lot ever since I was a senior in high school (almost five years ago) just beginning to learn about glass. Some of the beads seem fairly basic to me now, although there's no denying that all of them took extreme precision to create - I am often a bit impatient when it comes to spacing dots or shapes evenly, so I appreciate the effort that goes into making the pattern on a glass object consistent. At any rate, there are some lovely beads in this book.
Aaand, the other day this came in the mail:

My first issue of The Flow, a magazine about lampworking. It's only published quarterly, but we'll see whether the content is enough to persuade me to subscribe for another year.
Milon Townsend is featured in this issue, and it's interesting to me that he lives so near me and is so well known, and I didn't realize who he was when I SAW him blowing glass at the Sterling Renaissance Festival a few years back. He makes some amazing things. I remember asking him whether he needed any help or an apprentice or anything, but he probably gets a lot of that. So I took his card, which surprised me years later when I dug it up in a pile of papers - Milon Townsend??! How did I get his card? Oooh yeeeah...